

At The School at Columbia University, we work with a dynamic and diverse community drawn equally from the families of University employees and from the local community.
We dedicate ourselves to fostering in our students personal resourcefulness and integrity, a sense of social responsibility, and a lifelong appreciation of learning through an innovative, socially and emotionally supportive, and academically challenging program. Our pedagogical and curricular philosophies embrace multicultural perspectives, which challenge educators and learners to examine their preconceived notions of race, gender, ethnicity, class, ability, religion, and sexual orientation. We adhere to a common code of civility among all constituents. We tailor our instruction so that the needs of the individual students are met. A committed faculty and administration strive to create a school that will stand as a model for what K-8 education can be, and serve as a genuine and enduring partnership between Columbia University and its neighbors.

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  • Core Purposes

    • To serve as a cornerstone of Columbia University’s recruitment and retention strategy by offering a high-quality schooling option for families employed by the University
    • To serve the neighborhood by offering a compelling educational alternative to local public and private K-8 schools
    • To serve as a laboratory and model for innovative curriculum and pedagogy, supported by ongoing research and application of best practices

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  • Core Beliefs

    • That preparing children to succeed in the 21st century necessitates an integrated, inquiry-driven approach to learning
    • That all students benefit from learning to participate in a diverse school community
    • That students learn in different ways, and that it is The School’s responsibility to support these learning differences
    • That developing a passion for learning in our students requires a faculty that is passionate about teaching and dedicated to our collective mission
    • That a safe, nurturing environment promotes student achievement
    • That collaboration among all constituents is key to successful integration and program design
    • That curriculum must focus not only on academic competencies, but also on issues related to self-exploration, identity, equity, interrelationships, and community involvement
    • That our diversity can sometimes lead to conflict, but can also lead to learning, growth, and respectful understanding

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  • Core Strategies

    • To explore effective collaborations with Columbia University’s departments, faculty and staff
    • To employ a lottery-based, need-blind system for admitting students from the community to maintain need-blind admissions
    • To look for opportunities to conduct research on what we are doing that is innovative, and to then bring the results of that research to the wider community
    • To recruit and retain an outstanding faculty
    • To have faculty work as members of grade-level teams rather than in isolated departments
    • To find ways in which to promote collaboration among and between families
    • To promote meaningful professional development and a professional culture at The School
    • To promote reflection and personal growth for students and faculty by regular goal setting
    • To be a leader in the integration of digital technology in the classroom
    • To create a culture of common purpose, collaboration and widespread participation in decision-making
    • To attend to the ongoing evaluation and assessment of our program
    • To maintain open and continuous dialogue between all members of the community, including parents and students

Social Justice at TSC

The School at Columbia University

556 West 110th Street
New York, NY 10025
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